Top 4 things to do during the winter for dry skin


Do you have Dry skin or Dehydrated skin? There is a difference.

Dry skin is one of the most common concerns we get in the winter. Luckily we have many modalities that can help. But first, we have to figure out - are you dry or dehydrated, because there is a difference.

Dry skin - means you lack oil. You might notice that as we age, we feel drier, which is because you have less oil production. Many clients with oil believe that if they have oil, it’s unhealthy, so they strip the oil, causing problems. You actually want a bit of “film” to keep the skin protected and fight against water loss.

Dehydration - means you lack water, known as “epidermal dehydration.” It’s when you don’t have much water in the dermis. Dehydration ultimately results in deeper wrinkles that are visible at the surface. The picture below is of a client that Alison treated that was dehydrated. As soon as she did the Hydrafacial and hydrated the skin, the skin's fine lines improved (pictured above).

Signs of dehydration can be flaky scales, or when you move your skin around, wrinkles will form. The best way you can treat this is by your lifestyle. Simple things like don’t smoke, cut back on salt and coffee.

Top 4 things to do during the winter for dry skin

1. Many body washes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a degreasing agent used in many different soaps that typically dries the skin out. During the winter months, this can tend to make the dryness worse. Dermalogica has the Conditioning Body Wash, which not only is free of SLS but has nourishing ingredients to help moisturize your skin, preventing the dryness that winter brings. Adding their Body Hydrating Cream and Phyto Replenish Body Oil will relieve dryness and nourish the body to deliver glowing skin.

2. We offer lots of amazing services that can help combat dryness in the skin. 
  • A hydrafacial is great for dry skin, especially in the winter! Even with dry skin, you want to exfoliate because dead skin will build-up, causing your moisturizer to not penetrate properly. As an adult, your skin naturally sheds dead cells every 30-40 days. If not removed, it can clog your pores and leave your skin feeling dry and flaky. The hydrafacial uses two types of exfoliation, extractions and the ultimate hydration for your face! 
  • You can not have good moisture in your skin if you have a compromised barrier. Red light therapy will trigger your repair mechanisms. The increase in activity is critical for retaining hydration. 
  • We also offer chemical peels that have lactic acid, which helps your skin to lock in moisture!
3. Dermalogica's professional masques can help intensify your treatment results, whether it’s acne, aging, dry, or sensitive skin. One of our favorites for dry skin is our colloidal masque - it has hyaluronic acid, which provides more hydration to the skin, but it also improves your elasticity! This product also has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and so much more to help promote healthy, hydrated skin.

4. Working from the inside out is also important when preventing dry skin. Our number one recommendation for this would be IV therapy. When you receive an IV, it enters your body, bypassing your digestive system, so you are creating less waste than drinking fluids and your body will retain what it needs. You can also add in Vitamins. Our bodies benefit from the vitamins we get. If you can’t get an IV, then I recommend you concentrate on the foods you are eating at home. Healthy fats keep skin moisturized  - So avocados, cheese, whole eggs, and dark chocolate. Potassium will fight against foods that could be drying your skin, so pick up a banana, sweet potato, or squash.


  1. I could definitely cut back on coffee and replace it with more water!

  2. Intensive Moisture Balance is my fav for the winter!

  3. I think I could be both is that possible?

  4. The hydrafacial sounds amazing, also interested in red light therapy!! Lots of great tips in this blog...thanks for sharing!

  5. Great info! I always thought my skin was just dry now I definitely think it is dehydrated.

  6. Happy new year!! Pick me l!! 💁🏼‍♀️

  7. Can you receive an Iv infusion at the same time as a hydrafacial ? I didn’t know dermalogica make body wash and creams! Their products are the best

    1. Congratulations!! You won our giveaway and stop by De Luxe next week to get your product! Also yes you can get an IV during a Hydrafacial.

  8. Love a good moisturizer...still searching for one that will completely hydrate my skin!

  9. And the winner is Hannah McSparen!! Congrats and thank you everyone for commenting!!


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