Anti-Aging Secrets Seminar Recap
We had a great turnout for our first Seminar. We focused this seminar on what we feel is the best treatment for aging the best way possible. It's PRP Ali gave a great talk on WHY you need PRP Her main take always were: When skin is healthy--it looks its best So what does healthy skin look like? Look at Baby skin: it’s smooth, no pigment, hydrated, no damage, strong barrier, even color, and the skin bounces back So how does PRP help? PRP normalizes the production of melanin By normalizing the production of melanin it therefore will decrease the production of the darker pigmentation allowing your body to produce its own natural color of pigmentation Microneedling helps restore cell function which means that it prevents your skin from overproducing the darker pigmentation. PRP helps with Wrinkles by Increases the availability of cell nutrients and trigger the wound healing cas...